Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dr. Horrible!

Running across the net, you'll never know what you'll find.

Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

*happy couples make me nauseous*

so...the end of the night finally comes...

it was slightly a trying day. forecast was a bit off and looking back in the week, it was fairly good fortune that we stumbled upon last year's actual numbers.

I didn't add many more for the evening because I didn't want to overdo it.

we didn't get our asses kicked and that was what mattered.

anyway, i was taken aback by the question that an employee inquired about:

is there any animosity between you and [editor's note: i shouldn't really tell]?

now, i will admit that it caught me off-guard. i wasn't sure where the question was stemming from...was it from this particular day, was i a bit more peculiar today than i normally am?

i stated that there was no animosity between us. i clearly delineated that we were coworkers and that there was no like/dislike feelings, and that i thought i was rather respectful and within my regular professional ground.'s to the i going to get married soon...

if you refer to sex with your girlfriend as "ugly sex"...

please don't expect me to think you're "happy in love".

yes, i hear everything.

i know things.


the following movie looks interesting.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Slipping Away

Go ahead...
give up on me
on forever
and yesterday.

Forget what...
we have been through,
the nights we shared,
the couple we are.

will fall apart,
will turn to dust,
will be complete.

Do you think...
it will be fine
when you are gone?
I am afraid.

I will wait...
to forget your face,
to be alone,
to cry no more.

Now to...
release this guilt
that keeps me from
looking forward.
photo: by symbole
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yesterday - Friday the 13th - the beginning

Was quite a bit of an experience.

So, of course, I wake up late due to my late night shenanigans of doing absolutely nothing productive and making my poor infected thumb worse by playing a bit more on the PSP. darn that Kratos and the Hades' challenges!

Check the phone as usual...being a nightowl, I tend to miss all those morning people calls, texts, and whatnot. My brother called. Three times. Now, I never hear from my brother, but he's in Austin and I got a discounted room for him there. He's on some sort of party weekend with this motorcycle buddies. *sigh* Didn't feel like calling him just quite yet and I did have to start getting ready for work.

Showered, read the usual "AM" blog reads and got ready for work. Took off at 20 till and figured I'd be pushing the envelope with my work punctuality. Never good. But, I remembered that I had to make a deposit at the secondary bank. ugh!

Dropped by the local Valero to pull out some cash. No luck, system down. Grrr!  Tried getting a new mocha rockstar drink and...waiting....waiting....waiting. Apparently, it was somehow centered on their phone system so both the ATM and all CC transactions were taking a long-ass time! double grr!

Figured I'd head out to the secondary bank, take the hit for the ATM fee and make the deposit from there. No luck, again. They have two outdoor ATM's. One was being serviced and the other didn't like my card. Went inside and while I was there apparently, there was trouble. Needless to say, it was an adventure. Someone decides to die while I'm running late for work. The parking lot gets swamped with cops and an ambulance. I figure the guy must not have made it. Never a good sign when the ambulance DOESN'T leave. So, I weasel my way out after being unable to do anything as there is no indoor ATM and they can't access my other account on the premise that I have a VISA vs. a MC card.

patience, patience!

So, I text Xia and Luis to let them know I'm running late. Xia calls me back and she too is on her way to work. We're chatting along and I come upon an accident scene on the major turn to work. Yea highway of death!

this is so not my day.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Tonight was a bit odd...I was just stopping at the gas station for a vitamin water when an unusual thing happened. Well, first of all, it wasn't my "normal" gas station to begin with....I dropped by the shell station off of I-10 and DeZavala. 

Apparently, no one trusts the vampires that walk the night and so their doors were locked and had the traditional bank vault drawer that equaled to the "insert money - get item" system.  Well, while I was waiting for that to finalize, some guy walks up to me and asks, "how well do you know this area?"

"fairly well, I would say," I replied.

"We're looking for blah-blah-blah apts."

"Those don't sound familiar," I countered...and a small part of me went through the quick inventory of apartments and tricks in the immediate area. Not very comforting. I reassured myself that I knew at least some of them from a slightly more "just cause" mentality.

They gave me a counter-street and I directed him and now his wife/girlfriend who I walked up to so that she would hear the directions too. Figured if they both got a dose, it'd be better than one misinterpreting all my hard work.

Well, while THAT was wrapping up and I started heading to my car, a SECOND, guy was now at the window asking for directions to Fort Sam. Now he was a bit on the muscle-y side, and he too, had a girlfriend waiting in the midst. He complained how he had been driving around for the last hour and a half and could not find I-35 yet.

I hid my musings of how military people are normally trained in this "find your way out of the jungle with a flashlight, a knife, and a map" routine.  But, I tried not to think of it too heavily.  His aggression was rather high and I reached into the car and pulled out a scrap paper. I reviewed the whole "two rings" of San Antonio theory and explained my guest attempt to get him to Fort Sam.  I haven't been over in that part since the army guy...but, that's a good Don't Ask, Don't Tell kinda story.

I juggled my vitamin water and headed out along my mary way.

Wonder if those were good deeds done, or if I sent them to their doom.

No one said we'd have closure...

such is life!
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