Monday, October 20, 2008

The Song that Delayed Little Big Planet

There is beauty in poetry, in song, and in words.  Combine all the together and add a touch of Faith and things can go potentially wrong, especially if you happen to be Sony!

There was a big brouhaha that came out when the following song was found to be included in the upcoming-most-likely-to-be-a-smash-hit-and-save-the-PS3 game, Little Big Planet.

It turns out that this song takes a line or two from the Qur'an, apparently, a big no-no in the Muslim faith.

So, in a quick let's-save-our-collective-asses BEFORE it happens, Sony has delayed it's release, recalled the old copies, and created an update to block the track for those that already have the game (like in the Middle East!)...oy!

Mental note: translate and know everything...when you're a big corporation. Either that, or change how the masses think....and pray! ;)

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

20x2 couples

...a glimpse into the lives of 20 couples for 2 mins each...superfast....

does it make YOU wonder?
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Prop 8 Shorts

The time grows closer.  Where lies Awareness?

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LBP and Love

apparently, someone wanted to propose via Little Big Planet...que cute!

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