Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sound Advice

Well, the NXE is finally out and I'm having a blast. Love the new avatars. Let's see how it will hold up against Mii's!

And netflix with the 360...fantabulous!

What are you waiting for....

and below a quick reprint to help ya along your gaming cyber way:

Seven tips to avoid being hacked on Xbox Live

by Dan 'Shoe' Hsu

Here are a few things you should do to protect your Xbox Live account, compiled from other users (special thanks to MDK x2002x), my own experiences, and Stephen Toulouse:
  1. Don't answer your secret question with the real answer. Instead, select something completely unrelated (for example, First Pet = Will Tuttle) that you can remember, effectively giving you a second password.
  2. In the "address 2" line of your profile, put down: "XBOX SUPPORT DO NOT ASSIST WITH ACCOUNT RECOVERY" to help automatically raise a red flag when a customer support rep looks up your account.
  3. If you're planning on gaming away from your default console, put your account on a memory card or move it with your hard drive, as opposed to recovering it on another machine.
  4. Never reveal any personal details about yourself while gaming over Xbox Live.
  5. On that same note, go ahead and leave your profile's bio blank. No need to tell everyone where you live.
  6. Limit the amount of information you put out there for everyone to see on social networking sites...or any website for that matter. Especially ones where you also have your Gamertag listed.
  7. Create an Xbox Live passcode if you haven't already. To do this, select "My Xbox" on the Xbox dashboard and go to your profile, then go to "Account Management" then "Xbox Live Pass Code."
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Question of Love

Very moving monologue from Keith Olbermann:

please take a moment to listen...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thanks Drew!

Election has come and gone and the buzz behind all the change is still settling down. In California, Prop. 8 passed. An indication that the gay and lesbian community is still not accepted or understood. Time and money will unravel even more drama as three lawsuits are challenging this new problem.

A good number of marches have been held. The Mormon church is under fire for it's blatant support on "yes on prop. 8". As a non-profit organization, the church broke the rules and a campaign to lose that status. Money talks and that would be a big blow.

Seen below, Drew Barrymore is seen addressing one of the protests. Thanks for the emotion and support!


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