Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's been awhile...

Since I've really set down any thoughts down.

Been really busy with work. It seems to be taking up all my time and energy. Having a rough time and trying to remain positive. The staff covers their duties and I need to remember that they come first. They are the frontlines and they will keep the complaints down and/or covered. Now if I could only keep their spirits high and their faith in me high!

So, I've been told that I need to go on a romantic date...Angela described her fun filled night. She went all out and I'm sure she thinks I wasn't paying full attention while I was doing my closing paperwork_ the closet romantic in me was ;) Got the lowdown on the pre-dinner mass, the planned sunset dinner at the tower, the preferred seating for next time, the lobster tail and steak and finally her preoccupation with the chef and the steak knife. I do listen. But, most importantly, I noted her sincerity in her advice. So, maybe I do need a little me-time...

I had just gotten home and I got into an odd sporadic car cleaning frenzy...Tuesdays are recycling days. All my items in my portable midden were recyclables and had been part of the reason on why they weren't thrown out just anywhere. Got a call from Gray. Went to Jim's for a late night coffee. Had a good time catching up on the latest gossip and goings-on. We are both at a much different point in our lives than when we first met. But, it was good to reminisce.

For now, living one day at a time isn't getting any better. Think I need to wake up and figure out where the drive is going. Soon, the scenery will be gone. And, I'll be left standing wondering...

...and I won't have the answers. To questions I don't even know!

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