Monday, January 14, 2008

At what price...

Check out the link below to check out some interesting finds.

What would you give up for a whole new life? or rather the life someone else designed for you?

Video games allow you a moment to escape into other world and sometimes leave the stresses of the real world behind you. For others, it allows the mind to wander while the body recovers from the day's rigors.

But, the mind is a complex thing. And memories are the fundamentals of who we are, the summation of our experiences and our choices. The ultimate culmination of the road we have walked mapped out in tiny neural pathways.  How simple the concept, how complex the execution.

How easy to throw a wrench in it all.

Here's to a life worth living.

Safe Journey to All.

Half Of 26-Year-Olds Memories Nintendo-Related

The Onion

Half Of 26-Year-Old's Memories Nintendo-Related

BROOKLYN, NY—According to an fMRI of Philip Jenkins' brain during memory recall, his parietal lobe is activated equally for the words "mother" and "Banjo Kazooie."

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